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To learn more go to the “Return and Warranty Policy section”.

You can contact us via the following email: lockeyusa@gmail.com and we will indicate the steps to be taken to become a distributor/representative of the products.

To order product samples, write to us via the “Contact Us” section and we will gladly provide you with conditions of this requirement.

If you want to buy products to market to the detail or have a construction project, at Lockey Corp. we have partner distributors to meet your needs. Write to us through the “Contact Us” section to provide you with the information you require to find a reseller.

You can channel it through a sales advisor, reseller or write to us through the “Contact Us” section. We will write to you as soon as possible, to resolve any eventuality. If you consider, you can go to the Return and Warranty Policy section to find out if it applies to a warranty request.

If you’re a customer of Lockey Corp. and require a business reference, write to using through the “Contact Us” section and provide the name of the person or company to which the business reference should be addressed. We will gladly send you the document in digital and/or printed version.

We can give you a product quote and you can retrieve the products at our office address.

To learn more go to the “Return and Warranty Policy section”.

You can contact us via the following email: lockeyusa@gmail.com and we will indicate the steps to be taken to become a distributor/representative of the products.

To order product samples, write to us via the “Contact Us” section and we will gladly provide you with conditions of this requirement.

If you want to buy products to market to the detail or have a construction project, at Lockey Corp. we have partner distributors to meet your needs. Write to us through the “Contact Us” section to provide you with the information you require to find a reseller.

You can channel it through a sales advisor, reseller or write to us through the “Contact Us” section. We will write to you as soon as possible, to resolve any eventuality. If you consider, you can go to the Return and Warranty Policy section to find out if it applies to a warranty request.

If you’re a customer of Lockey Corp. and require a business reference, write to using through the “Contact Us” section and provide the name of the person or company to which the business reference should be addressed. We will gladly send you the document in digital and/or printed version.

We can give you a product quote and you can retrieve the products at our office address.

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