
Dear User, Welcome!

The website posted under the domain of:, consists of an online information service, provided by LOCKEY CORP., a company incorporated in the city of Miami, State of Florida, United States of America, on July 22, 1998, under Number P98000064273, exclusive distributor in Latin America of the brands and logos of the following emblem signs: CISA, VISALOCK and VULKAN, with due authorization of its holders and/or licensee. Referred emblems identify security products, such as cylinders, padlocks, keys  and locks, manufactured with the national and international warranty  of Inversora Lockey, C.A. Company in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, with more than 50 years in the national and international market; whom is referred hereinafter as “LOCKEY CORP”.

Warrantees of the Products Offered through the Website

* CISA, VISALOCK and VULKAN brands products have life-long warranty.
In compliance with the provisions of The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act – 1975, if the product or any part of the product has a defect in the materials or manufacture, during the product’s life cycle, LOCKEY through the following emails: or or by phone, to the number below in Venezuela: (+58 212) 975 2017 or in the USA: (+1 305) 716 8393, to receive instructions on how to apply for repairs or replacement.
Return of the product or defective part may be requested, on account of the user, together with purchase receipt. This limited warranty only applies to defects in materials and/or manufacture and does not cover products that may have been altered, suffered damage in their physical appearance, mechanic or electronic components, inappropriate installation, cuts or wear. The warranty hereby is solely limited to reparation or replacement. The limited warranty hereby does not cover the work to eliminate, re-install or renew the product or part or other eliminated, reinstalled or renewed materials to repair or replace the product or the part.
LOCKEY CORP. by way of its licensee in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela shall undertake a thorough inspection of the state of the returned product, for the purpose of determining the defect of the product, whether these may be attributable to the user of the manufacturing company.

Warranty shall not be valid under the following conditions:

  1. When the product’s use, care and operation, has not been taken place pursuant to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  2. When the product has been used beyond its capacity, abused, impacted, exposed to some corrosive liquid or substance, as well as any other improper handling on behalf of the user.
  3. When the product has been disassembled, modified or repaired by unauthorized persons on behalf of Lockey Corp. and/or the manufacturing company.
  4. When the malfunction is originated by the normal wear of the parts due to wear and tear.
  5. No other oral or written warranty from those included herein whatsoever shall be acknowledged.

LOCKEY CORP’s responsibility shall be limited to the liabilities aforementioned. Any other right to warranty, not mentioned within these general conditions is hereby excluded.

Warranties Exclusion

LOCKEY CORP shall not be responsible for any of the damages below (whether they be expected, foreseeable, or known damages): (A) Information loss; (B) loss of profit; (C) loss of business opportunity; (D) loss of goodwill or reputation; (E) loss suffered by third parties; or (F) any type of indirect damages whatsoever resulting from the use of the site, services and any of its elements.
Site and Services shall be rendered legally insomuch as “as is ” and “as per availability ” and LOCKEY CORP. excludes any type warranty, waiver, condition or term (expressed or implied) regarding punctuality, comprehensiveness or performance of the Site or the Services, included in the implied quality guarantees of satisfaction, marketability and adaptation for a specific purpose.
Neither does LOCKEY CORP assume any responsibility whatsoever, nor shall be responsible for damages caused by virus or other forms of contamination or damaging  traits that may affect its informatic features, software, data or other property, resulting from the access, use of or navigation in the website or download any material, text, image, video or audio from the website of any associated link whatsoever.


Original design copyrights of this Website  have been granted to LOCKEY CORP. The User of this page shall presume and therefore, accepts that all and every one of the sections, names, texts, phrases, photos, images, videos and recordings are copyright protected, unless stated otherwise, in these warnings or in the website itself. Therefore, their content may not be used totally or partially without consent in writing on behalf of LOCKEY CORP.
LOCKEY CORP. respects third parties’ rights, including copyrights, and in this sense, urges third party users to do likewise.

Intellectual Property

The User acknowledges that the material and content of the Website hereby belong to LOCKEY CORP. and are copyright protected. All rights reserved. Content may not be copied, reproduced, modified, transferred, uploaded, downloaded, distributed, forecasted, viewed, resold or published in any way whatsoever, totally or partially, without prior consent in writing from LOCKEY CORP.
Non personal databases, content, information, reports, graphs, design of website and its applications, website, HTML code, texts, files, software, product names and catalogues, company names, brand names, emblems, slogans, denominations and trade names included in this website (hereinafter referred to as “The Information”), are property of LOCKEY CORP. and/or its licensees, as be the case, as well as the way in which the Information is presented or appears. In consequence, the Information may not be copied, distributed, modified, reproduced or forecasted in any way whatsoever; nor may it be used in any way, or for any purpose whatsoever without prior express authorization in writing on behalf of LOCKEY CORP.
The use of this website does not grant any right, title, interest or license whatsoever on the intellectual property included herein. Any unauthorized use of this website’s content is subject to civil and criminal sanctions or penalties.
LOCKEY CORP. grants the user a license and personal, non-transferable, non- exclusive  right, to display the website on the screen of a PDA (Personal Digital Assistant), Smartphone, Tablet or any other device, which replaces it at a functional level in the future, under its control, solely for personal, domestic use with no commercial purposes, under the condition that the user shall not modify the Information and shall maintain all copyright footers and legends of other types of property.
Nothing on the website shall be construed or interpreted as a license or granting of authorizations, licenses  or other rights to any title whatsoever, to use or dispose of in any way of the Intellectual or Industrial Property, without written consent on behalf of LOCKEY CORP. or of the holder of the its rights. Any unauthorized use whatsoever shall constitute a violation of these Terms and Conditions of Use and of the national and international regulations in force regarding Industrial Property.
Content of comments, ideas, complaints, claims and suggestions sent spontaneously and freely by Users to LOCKEY CORP. by way of this website, in reference to products, services, marketing plan or of any other type whatsoever, shall be liberally used by LOCKEY CORP., in the understanding that such communications are not confidential and are not protected by any regulation with regards to copyright or intellectual property. Therefore, the user sending such information, may not claim any compensation or participation whatsoever, in virtue of the legitimate commercial use that LOCKEY CORP.  may entail for it. If such information was to be protected by any type of regulation on copyright or intellectual property, its spontaneous communication to LOCKEY CORP. shall be construed as a total and irrevocable waiver to the rights and moral and proprietary privileges that such regulations grant and their transfer to LOCKEY CORP.

Trademarks and Logotypes

All trademarks that appear on the website hereby, have due authorization of their holders, licensees and/or priority affiants to the favor of LOCKEY CORP., therefore, unauthorized use on behalf of third parties is strictly prohibited.
The user knows and accepts that the trademarks may not be used in any other website, different from, without prior written consent of LOCKEY CORP.
LOCKEY CORP. reserves the right to file legal actions deemed convenient in the preservation of its rights.
LOCKEY CORP. is authorized to use the brands through any mean or proceeding, including for its protection to its name as brand or any other emblem sign, in any of its types whatsoever and of, and reserves all its rights on intellectual property.

Notice and Procedure to Submit Claim of Copyright Infringement in the United States of America

If the user believes that his/her work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, he/she shall send notice, including the information below to: o

  • A physical or electronic signature of the authorized person to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright;
  • A description of the copyright protected work, which the user believes has been breached;
  • A description of where the material the user claims is being infringed is located on the website;
  • Address, phone and e-mail;
  • A User Statement, that he/she believes in good faith, that the use in dispute is not authorized by LOCKEY CORP.; and
  • A User Statement, under penalty of perjury, that the information aforementioned in the notice is accurate and that he/she is copyright owner or is authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.

Dear User, Welcome!

The website posted under the domain of:, consists of an online information service, provided by LOCKEY CORP., a company incorporated in the city of Miami, State of Florida, United States of America, on July 22, 1998, under Number P98000064273, exclusive distributor in Latin America of the brands and logos of the following emblem signs: CISA, VISALOCK and VULKAN, with due authorization of its holders and/or licensee. Referred emblems identify security products, such as cylinders, padlocks, keys and locks, manufactured with the national and international warranty of Inversora Lockey, C.A. Company, owner of CISA, VISALOCK and VULKAN brands, in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, with more than 50 years in the national and international market; whom is referred hereinafter as “LOCKEY CORP”.
Such service is subject to compliance on behalf of the user, of the conditions included in this section; therefore, please read carefully before you continue. If you do not agree with the rules and regulations included herein, you shall log out of this website. Sole use of the website constitutes, from the beginning of use, express acceptance of these terms.

  1. Privacy Policies:

LOCKEY CORP. is committed to protecting the privacy of its users. Given that website collects certain type of information, we believe that you should perfectly understand the terms and conditions that rule the use of the information gathered by us. The privacy policy hereby, establishes the type of collected information, the way in which we use it and the way in which we correct or modify it, so that you may be aware of the treatment we shall render the information provided by you through the website.

  1. Collected Information:

When you request information from us, you contact us, use our products and services or you register in our website, we require certain personal information, i.e.: your name, address and email. The goal sought by LOCKEY CORP. when compiling your personal information, among others, is to facilitate the task of offering customer service content and services, offer services related to our own business activity and other exchanges of information. Apart from the moment of Registration (Sign Up), LOCKEY CORP. may from time to time, request personal information, such as when
We provide you the opportunity to disclose your contact information to us, when you convey your comments, regarding the use of the service. Such information is obtained automatically. It is anonymous is solely used globally, that is no user is identified individually.
LOCKEY CORP. also utilizes cookies through which information is obtained when your web browser go to or to advertisements and other contents on behalf of LOCKEY CORP. in other websites.
In the same sense, information may be received automatically every time you search, buy, post, participate in a contest or fill out a questionnaire, or contact Customers Service. Such information could be the IP Address (Internet Protocol Address) used by your computer to connect to Internet, information of the computer and the connection, as well as the browser, the edition and configuration of the time zone, the types and versions of the browser’s complements, the operating system and the platform; purchases history, the site’s times of response, download errors, duration of visits to certain sites, interaction information of the website (such as scrolls, clicks and mouse-over), and methods used to surf out of the site. We can also compile technical information to help us identify your device for the purposes of fraud diagnosis and prevention. The same with your phone number, credit card information, personal description and photo on your profile, financial information, social security number and driver’s license number, persons to whom purchases have been sent (including addresses and phone numbers, e-mails of these persons).
This global data allows LOCKEY CORP. to analyze traffic through the website and better adapt our contents to the needs of the users. Also, we can use or keep your email address and other personal information if you contact us.

  1. Use of Collected Information:

The personal information you provided LOCKEY CORP., is exclusively for internal use, except for those cases in which you have authorized for this or in special circumstances, such as, for example, those cases in which we, in good faith consider that, information disclosure is reasonably necessary to: a) comply with legal processes, b) to enforce terms compliance, c) to respond to claims in the cases that the content of service violates rights of third parties, or d) to protect the rights, goods or personal security of its users or the public.
Certain non-personal information of the visitors of the website, is registered by way of standard operations LOCKEY CORP Internet servers. This information is basically used to offer to the visitors of the service, an online experience with a higher quality. Registered information includes browser type used by the visitor, the class of the operating system and the name of the domain of the Internet service supplier of the visitor.
Additionally, we shall use your information, including your personal data for the purposes below:

  1. To supply you our products and services; to receive, validate, process and deliver orders and returns; process payments; for the guarantee, technical support or other similar purposes; and to establish and maintain clients’ accounts.
  2. Customer Service, including guarantee, technical support or other similar purposes; to answer your questions, and for other purposes for which you may contact us.
  3. To communicate with you, including responses to requests for assistance. We can communicate with you in many ways, among them, by email, phone and/or text messages.
  4. For administration of our stock; to help us understand better the access and use of our website; provide information and reports to investors, possible partners, service suppliers, regulators and others; to implement and maintain security, fight against piracy, fraud prevention and other services designed to protect our clients, users, suppliers, ourselves and the public in general; to enforce compliance of the policy hereby and our Terms and Conditions of Use.
  5. Investigation and development, to improve our web site, products, services and client experience; to understand the demographics of our clients and users; and for other investigation and analysis purposes.
  6. To comply with the corresponding legal obligations, including responses to subpoenas or legal orders.
  7. To investigate, prevent or implement measures with regards to illegal activities, suspicions of fraud, situations that involve potential threats to the safety of any person, or violations of our Terms and Conditions of Use or of the Policy hereby.
  8. When required by law, to the extent allowed by legislation or with its consent.
  9. Marketing and promotion, including email; for example, we may use information, such as an email address, to send news and newsletters, national sales and promotions, or to communicate with you regarding products, services or information we may consider of your interest. We may also use your information to help us advertise our services in third party websites or by way of other places.
  1. Disclosure of Collected/Compiled Information:

LOCKEY CORP. may disclose user information, including personal data for the following:
Users of the website. The name of the user and any information that is posted on our website, including, with no limitation whatsoever, images, comments and texts, may be available for all the other users of the website and may be publicly available after the post.
Affiliates and subsidiary. We may disclose your information to any current or future affiliate or subsidiary, for the purposes aforementioned under Use of Personal Data . For example, we may share your information with one of our US entities for the purposes of storage.
Service Suppliers. We may disclose personal data to external suppliers, service suppliers, contractors or agents so that they may carry out functions on our behalf. These service suppliers may, for example, help us to administer our website or process payments.
Other non-affiliated third parties. We may disclose your information to non-affiliated third parties, such as wholesalers, distributors, promotional partners and other persons with whom we have marketing relations or other relations for their own marketing purposes. To the extent permitted by law or with its consent, such third parties may use your personal data for their own marketing purposes like, for example, sell products and services that may be considered of interest for the user.
Commercial Transfers. We may disclose your information to another entity related to, including during negotiations of, an acquisition or merger, sale or transfer of a business unit or assets, procedure of bankruptcy, or as part of any other similar commercial transfer.
In response to a legal process. We may disclose your information to comply with the law, a legal procedure, a judicial order or other legal process like, for example, in response to a subpoena or legitimate government request.
To protect ourselves and others. We may disclose your information when we believe it is important to investigate, prevent or implement measures regarding illegal activities, suspicions of fraud, situations which entail potential threats against the security of any person or violations of our Terms and Conditions of Use or of the Policy hereby.
Anonymous and Grouped Information. We may disclose anonymous or grouped information about you to third parties for marketing, advertisement, investigation or similar purposes.
LOCKEY CORP may reveal global statistics of the users, for the purpose of describing the service to possible partners, advertisers and third parties, as well as to comply with other legal purposes.
LOCKEY CORP. may use the client’s contact information, taken from the registration (sign in) form to send the user information on the services. Users may opt out of receiving further correspondence/mail in the future.
LOCKEY CORP. may use personal information to determine the demographic characteristics of its users and distribute statistical and general market information, regarding the services. Demographic data shall always represent group information and shall never identify a user in particular.
Some of the service characteristics may be offered together with an associated company. For this to be possible, in some cases, it is necessary for you or us to disclose your personal information to such company. Additionally, keep in mind that advertisers or websites linked to the service, could collect personally identifiable information about you. Practices on the handling of information of such websites, related to the service, are not covered by the privacy policy hereby. website may include links that lead to other websites. LOCKEY CORP. shall not be responsible for the privacy practices nor the content of the referred websites. Each link to the website has its own term and conditions of use and may be different from these Terms of Use, and we recommend that you read carefully the terms of use of the legal warning of each website before using that site. LOCKEY CORP. doe not control nor is responsible for the availability, the content or the security of these external sites, nor for your experience interacting or using these external sites. LOCKEY CORP. does not back up the content, nor available products or services, in such sites. If you access these sites, you do it under your own risk. website may offer chat rooms, pods cast, forums, messages billboards and/or news groups to its users. Keep in mind that any information disclosed in these areas, becomes of public domain. For this reason ,you must be careful when you decide to disclose your personal information.
The user is fully entitled to address LOCKEY CORP. through the contact windows and emails indicated in the website, to request:

  • Access to their data and detailed information on certain aspects of how they shall be treated.
  • Correction of personal data that was inaccurate or wrong.
  • Repression of data compiled to date.
  • Limitation in the treatment of the compiled data.
  • Opposition to the treatment of data in determined circumstances and due to personal and justified causes, except for legitimate grounds or to be protected from possible claims the data could not be left untreated.
  • To request reception of personal data incumbent in a structured format and of easy reading.

Compiled data shall be kept during the necessary time, to comply with the purpose for which they were compiled and to determine possible responsibilities that could result from such purpose and data treatment. Once such time has elapsed, they shall be cancelled or suppressed.
Compiled data may be stored and treated by third parties by LOCKEY CORP., without any additional authorization on behalf of the user. LOCKEY CORP. guarantees that any third party that is involved in the storage and treatment of data of the users, is fully aware of the terms and conditions hereby and of the rights of the users.
LOCKEY CORP. and any authorized third party, shall undertake their best efforts to maintain the confidentiality of the information and provided data. Nonetheless, the user releases LOCKEY CORP. from the responsibility of any non-authorized use or treatment of data carried out by a non-authorized third party of LOCKEY CORP. and that may have acquired the information, by way of interception, hacking, illegitimate extraction or any other mechanism that was considered o illicit or fraudulent by applicable legislation.

  1. Privacy Policies Modifications:

LOCKEY CORP. reserves the right to change, modify, add or remove any portion of the terms and privacy policies, at any time, whether due to changes in applicable legislation or due to unilateral decisions of LOCKEY CORP. These changes shall come in force as of the moment of their publication in the website and these shall be reviewed by the user, so that he/she may be familiar with the collected information, the way in which it can be used and if there is any intention to disclose it to someone.
If the user does not agree with the modifications applied to the terms and privacy policies, he/she shall cease to navigate and use the website. If he/she continues using the service after the publication of the changes introduced in these terms, he/she shall be in agreement with them.
Finally, if any of the conditions determined in this point for the website as to be considered invalid, void or due to any reason inapplicable, this condition shall be considered autonomous and therefore, shall not affect validity and applicability of any remaining condition.

  1. Options of the User:

If for any reason LOCKEY CORP. decided to collect and use personal information for some purpose not mentioned previously, the Company shall inform the users on the use of such information. As was previously indicated, LOCKEY CORP. may use the contact information of the client, included in the registration form, to send the user information included in Users may choose not to receive future correspondence, by sending an email. LOCKEY CORP. offers users the possibility of correcting or modifying the collected information during registration. Instructions for this may be found in our section of “Sign In/Log In”. Users may modify their information at any time and with whatever necessary frequency. Those users  who experiment problems or may have any question regarding the operation of our services, may contact us, through the following e-mail:
Depending on your jurisdiction, you may be entitled, at any time, to access the personal data that LOCKEY CORP. has of you; to request that we cease to use or disclose your personal data; to request that we update, modify or eliminate your personal data; and to withdraw any consent previously granted regarding your personal information; using the contact information provided below.
You may always choose not to provide information, though it may be necessary to profit from some services.
If you request to receive information from us, we may send you promotional emails. You may request for us to stop sending you promotional emails, following the link included in the email itself. Keep in mind that, if you choose not to receive marketing communication by way of email, we can continue to communicate with you for other purposes (for example, to answer your questions or for purposes related to the service). You may choose not to receive marketing communications, contacting us through the email addresses listed in the indicated below.

  1. Use of the Service:

The User agrees that he/she shall comply with all applicable legislation and regulations of the United States of America when accessing or using the website.
It is possible that the user may need to create his/her own account in the website to use certain services of LOCKEY CORP. and it is possible that he/she may need to start the session in the account and have an associated method of payment. If a problem arises to carry out the selected method of payment, LOCKEY CORP. may charge by way of any other valid method of payment associate to the account.
Yo acknowledge and accept that you are responsible of maintaining the confidentiality of your username and password, as well as of all the uses that are carried out with your account. You shall be responsible for all the uses of your membership or registration, whether authorized by you or not, including the publication of any information about you, click the “accept” button to the terms and conditions of service, make any payment for any product. You accept to immediately notify LOCKEY CORP. about any unauthorized use of your username or password or of any other security violation.
The user declares that he/she will not use the provided information for the management of worth or estate of third parties, in their professional or business activity, nor in the execution of activities subjects to authorization or regulation of any authority or financial regulatory entity, whether at national or international level.
The user is expressly prohibited from handing over or conveying to third parties, whether directly or indirectly on his/her own or by way of an intermediary, individual or entity, all or part of the received information, data, rates, or enable in any way access to it, including any type of network, intranet or internet.
El user agrees not to set forth any action that damages the integrity of the information systems or networks of LOCKEY CORP. nor obtain unauthorized website access.
LOCKEY CORP. reserves the right to deny the service, cancel accounts, cancel their rights for the use of the website, eliminate or edit content, or cancel orders according to its exclusive criteria.
Incompliance of this condition shall result in the immediate termination of the services.

  1. Products Descriptions:

LOCKEY CORP. tries to be as precise as possible with regards to the description of its products or any other visible content in the website. However, LOCKEY CORP. does not guarantee that the descriptions of the products or other content of the web site, are accurate, complete, reliable, current or free or errors.

  1. Products Prices:

LOCKEY CORP. cannot confirm the price of a product until the order is undertaken. Therefore, some product in LOCKEY CORP. catalogue may display an incorrect price. If the correct price of a product sold by LOCKEY CORP. is higher than the price established in the website, LOCKEY CORP. shall at its discretion contact you to obtain instructions prior to delivery or shall cancel your order, notifying such cancellation.
In this sense, it is important to point out that LOCKEY CORP. shall not charge the amount to your credit card until your order has entered the delivery process.

  1. Risk of Loss:

All purchases LOCKEY CORP.’s physical products are carried out in compliance to a delivery contract with a third party. This entails that the risk of loss of the corresponding products is of the user, as of the moment in which LOCKEY CORP. hands over the product to the courier company.

  1. Security:

LOCKEY CORP. wishes to preserve the security of your personal information, as much as possible, using safe connections and other measures of security intended to safeguard the confidentiality of your information. As an additional security measure, all your personal information is stored in our servers in a specifically designated place, to guarantee that no unauthorized person has access to the server or your data.

  1. Responsibility Limitations due to Virus:

The user of this site understands and accepts that LOCKEY CORP. does not guarantee in any way whatsoever that available text files or graphs for downloading by the user are virus free, trojan horse virus free or free of contaminating and destructive codes; the user is responsible for adopting sufficient measures and checkup to guarantee the accuracy of the downloaded information, as well as, in the case of its loss of the information.

  1. System or Database Violations:

The use of devices, software or some other mean that could interfere with the activities of the website is strictly prohibited. The party responsible for any attempt or violating activity or contrary to the right of intellectual property or to these terms and conditions, shall be subject to the pertinent legal actions, the penalties provided by this agreement and the compensation for caused damages.

  1. Faculties:

LOCKEY CORP. reserves all the faculties of control and address of website, therefore, may introduce all the changes and modifications deemed convenient, at its sole criteria, any of the services or contents may be added, altered, substituted or suppressed at any moment. However, LOCKEY CORP. does not guarantee availability and continuity of the site’s or system’s operation, nor the inviolability of the stored data or data conveyed through telecommunications public networks or other means, nor the absence of functioning failures, virus or other applications in the website that may cause harm to the user. The user assumes all responsibility derived from acts of God or force majeure and releases LOCKEY CORP. from it.

  1. Privacy of Children (underage) and Persons with Interdiction or Legal Incapacity:

In order to use website services and accept the terms and conditions included herein, the user shall be of legal age, civilly and legally to contract. In the event that there is minority of age or come incapacity, legal prohibition, interdiction, disqualification or any other legal statutory offense that prevents the user from contracting, he/she may not navigate, use and/or consume the contents presented in the website, unless he/she is accompanied by his/her representative, parent, tutor or guardian, as may be the case. LOCKEY CORP. assumes no responsibility whatsoever before any user who does not have the legal capacity to contract.
In this sense, LOCKEY CORP. does not look for nor intentionally collects personal information of users under thirteen (13) years of age. If it is determined that personal information has been collected of a user who is less than thirteen (13) years old inadvertently, LOCKEY CORP. shall immediately proceed to eliminate any personal information from its records.
It is demonstrated that LOCKEY CORP. complies with the1998 Act of Online Privacy Protection for Children (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule) of the United States of America, as well as with all the federal and state laws that regulate the privacy of underage children in the United States of America.

  1. International Users:

The website under the domain of: is hosted in the United States of America, therefore, if a user utilizes the website out of the European Union or any other region of the World, he/she must keep in mind that their personal information is being transferred beyond their jurisdiction. When accepting the use of this website, they authorize the use of their personal information, pursuant to the laws of protection of the United States of America.

  1. Cookies Policy:

El user knows and accepts that LOCKEY CORP. may use a follow-up system through the use of cookies. Cookies are small files that are installed in the hard disk, with a limited duration in time that help to personalize services. Cookies are used for the purpose of knowing the interests, the behavior and the demography of those who visit or are users of our website, and in that way better understand their needs and interests and be able to provide a better service or supply associated information. We shall also use the information obtained through Cookies, to analyze the pages surfed by the visitor or user, searches performed, to improve our commercial and promotional initiatives, to display advertisements or promotions, banners of interest, news on our products, to enhance our supply of contents and products, to personalize such contents, presentation and services. We may also use cookies to promote and enforce compliance of the site’s rules and security. It is hereby expressly stated that these policies cover the use of cookies by this website and not the use of cookies on behalf of announcers.
The website displays information with regards to its policy on cookies, every time the user accesses it, whether in the upper or lower section of the portal. The use and navigation in the website on behalf of the user is understood as an express acceptance of the cookies policy and authorizes LOCKEY CORP. to install these in the user’s device. Additionally, the user expressly authorizes the follow-up of his/her IP address and the collection of data previously mentioned during navigation in the website.
We do not control the use of cookies by third parties. The function of “Help” I the majority of browsers shall inform the user on how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to get notifications from your browser when there is a new cookie or how to completely disable them. In this sense, the user will have the possibility to refuse the installation of cookies in his/her devices through blocking tools and/or elimination of cookies offered by web browsers (Chrome, Explorer, Firefox, Safari or any other) or either activate his/her browser in private navigation mode.
It is not necessary to have enabled cookies to use the service. However, LOCKEY CORP. recommends its activation to profit from the specific and essential characteristics of the website. For example, if you block or refuse the cookies, you may not add articles to your shopping cart, proceed to the payment of products or use LOCKEY CORP.’s products and services that require to start a session.

  1. Advertisement:

The user understands and accepts that the website can show ads, pop-up windows or banners during its use and/or when navigating through it, which are associated to LOCKEY CORP.’s products or services. By using the website, the user acknowledges and accepts that such advertisement is not invasive nor is considered spam.
In the same way, the user may find products or services offered by third parties through ads or links of another kind. Therefore, it is recommended to read the terms, conditions and privacy policies of the websites offered by third parties, as the user acknowledges that LOCKEY CORP. has no control over such websites and shall not be responsible for the products, content or services available through them.

  1. Electronic Communication:

When you use LOCKEY CORP.’s services or when you send emails, text messages and other communications from your computer or mobile device to LOCKEY CORP., you are communicating electronically with LOCKEY CORP. Consequently, you accept to receive electronic communications on behalf of LOCKEY CORP., such as emails, text messages, mobile automatic notifications or ads and messages on this website and you may save copies of these communications for your records.
In the same sense, you accept that all the agreements, ads, disclosures and other communications that we provide you electronically satisfy all legal requirements that these communications be in writing.

  1. Anti-Spam Policy:

The object of this policy is to inform users about what is our stance before the issue of unsolicited emails, known as spam.
Our company condemns the use of spam, which is condemned in several countries even on a legal basis. It is LOCKEY CORP.’s commitment to inform on the significance of the deplorable practice of sending unrequested emails (cold emailing), whether in bulk or individually, without these having been requested. It is strictly prohibited to practice spam with users of this website or with third parties to it.
Any incident regarding the delivery of unrequested emails may be reported in the following address:

  1. Legal Requirements:

LOCKEY CORP. shall cooperate with competent authorities and with other third parties to guarantee compliance of the laws, for example, with regards to the protection of rights of industrial intellectual property, fraud prevention and other matters.
LOCKEY CORP. may disclose personal information of its users, upon request of judicial or competent government authorities for the purposes of investigations conducted by them, even if there is no order nor executive or judicial subpoena, or for example (without limitation whatsoever), to criminal or fraud investigations or related to IT piracy or the violation of copyrights. In such situations, LOCKEY CORP. shall cooperate with competent authorities, for the purpose of safeguarding the integrity and security of the community and the users.

  1. Penalties and Exports Policies:

You may not use LOCKEY CORP.’s web platform if you are subject to penalties or sanctions of the United States of América, therefore, you must comply with all the regulations in matters of export and re-export of  the United States of América, as well as those relative to intangible goods, technology and services.

  1. Communications with the Site:

Any illegal, menacing, slanderous, defamatory, obscene, scandalous, pornographic or profane material or any material that may constitute or promote a behavior that is considered a felony, shall result in civil responsibilities, or violating the law in another manner. LOCKEY CORP. shall fully cooperate, including, among others, the maintenance and disclosure of any broadcast or communication that may have taken place with the site, disclosing your identity or helping to identify it, with any applicable law or regulation, police authorities, judicial order or government authority.
Any communication or material conveyed to the site by way of email or another mode, including data, questions, comments, suggestions or similar, shall be and shall be treated as non-confidential and not as  owner. LOCKEY CORP. cannot prevent the “compilation” of information from the website and LOCKEY CORP. or non-related third parties may contact you, by email or in another manner, within or beyond this site. Everything conveyed may be edited by or on behalf of LOCKEY CORP. and may or may not be posted on this site at LOCKEY CORP.’s sole discretion and LOCKEY CORP. may use it for any purpose, including, yet not limited to the reproduction, disclosure, broadcast, diffusion and publication. Additionally, LOCKEY CORP. is free to use any idea, concept, knowledge or technique included in any communication that you may send to the site for any purpose that includes, among others, develop, manufacture and sell products using such information. If you convey ideas, concepts, materials or other communications to this site, you accept that they shall not be treated as confidential and LOCKEY CORP. may use it without any compensation whatsoever, including, among others, the reproduction, broadcast, publication, marketing, development of products, etc.
LOCKEY CORP. may monitor or check from time to time debates, chats, publications, broadcasts, billboards and the like on the site, LOCKEY CORP. has no obligation to do it and does not assume any responsibility derived from the content of such publications nor from any error, defamation, slander, omission, falseness, obscenity, pornography, blasphemies, hazard or inaccuracy included in any information within such publications in the site. LOCKEY CORP. does not assume any responsibility or liability for any action or communication on your behalf or of an unrelated third party within or beyond the website.

  1. Compensations:

You accept to defend, compensate and release LOCKEY CORP from responsibility against all and every one of the claims, damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, derived or related to the use of the website.

  1. Termination:

At its sole criteria, LOCKEY CORP. may modify or discontinue the website, or may modify or cancel its account or it access to the site, on any grounds, with or without prior notice and with no responsibility before you or any third party.

  1. Jurisdiction and Applicable Law:

The interpretation and application of the terms hereby shall be governed by US Laws. Federal courts or state courts of Miami, Florida of the United States of América, shall be the sole competent courts for any dispute, derived or related to the terms included herein. In any case, LOCKEY CORP. reserves the power to file legal actions before courts of other cities or countries, that are not of the United States of América, for the purpose of protecting their interests and endorsing his/her rights.
This site shall be ruled by, and its navigation and use shall be considered as acceptance and consent of the laws of the State of Florida, United States of America, without considering the principles of conflict of law. Notwithstanding the above, this site may be viewed internationally and may contain references to products or services that are not available in all the countries. The references of a product or service in particular do not entail that they are appropriate or are available for all the persons of legal age legal in all the locations, or that LOCKEY CORP. has the intention of making such products or services available I such countries. Any supply or offer of any product, characteristic, service or application performed in this website is void where it is prohibited.

  1. Contacts:

Address: “Calle Los Pinos, local Galpón Lockey, sector Los Mangos, Los Teques, Estado Bolivariano de Miranda-Venezuela”.
Website: or Phone: (+58 212) 975.20.17

Address: 10851 NW 29th Street, Doral, FL 33172, USA.
Phone: (+1 305) 716 8393.